APAHM 2020

Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month takes place every May.

This year, with all that's going on, many events are taking place online.

Even though we cannot come together physically to celebrate, this is still an important time - to bring the community together, this website aims to showcase events throughout the month of May.

Look at the calendar of events below and if you have an event you'd like to share, fill out the form below to submit.

Happy APAHM 2020!

Event Calendar

Check out all of the events by the various Asian organizations for the month of May.

(Tip: Press the "+Google Calendar" button on the bottom-right of the page to add all of the events straight to your Google Calendar")

Submit an event

Have an event you would like to share on the calendar? Fill out the form.

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About APAHM:

APAHM stands for Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. It was first designated as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week by President Carter in 1978, and is a time for many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) to reflect on our history here in the U.S. and also celebrate our culture and heritage.

Partner Organizations

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